Sunday, March 31, 2013

More Easter!!

After our morning fun, we packed up and headed to Auntie Kelly and Uncle Donnie's for more Easter fun!!  The kids play so well together, they were off playing all afternoon, Uncle Mark hid a whole bunch of eggs outside so the kids could have a hunt after supper! 


They had so much fun!!!  And then they put on a show for us, silly kiddies!!  By the end of the night, we were all pooped!!


THE BUNNY CAME!!!!  And we had 2 very excited little girls...Maddie tried to get Daddy out of bed and was successful!  We went to get Miaya and she told us she saw the Bunny!  He was BIG and WHITE and had BIG EARS!!!  He left her goodies on her rocking chair and Maddie's bucket was left on her floor and she thought she may have seen him too!!  I love how innocent kids are!!  The girls hunted the whole house and filled their buckets with lots of treats!  And they found all their new spring and summer goodies that Mommy and Daddy bought for them on the couch! 

And then Daddy cooked us a big huge yummy breakfast on the BBQ and Gramma Shirley and Grandpa George came for a visit too!

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Rock!

 We headed to the City late this afternoon to pick up Daddy at work...which the girls thought was cool!  To watch their Daddy work and ask lots of questions!!  And then we headed to meet my brother and family because we were going to watch the Toronto Rock play Lacrosse!!  It was such a fun night!  Both girls loved it but Miaya more so than Maddie!  She was dancing and clapping...too funny!  We headed back to my brother's for the night and had a sleepover.  And then ended up staying all day Saturday too!  A nice relaxing way to spend the first day of a long weekend!

Friday, March 22, 2013

So proud...

 These are the moments as parents that I love and will cherish as long as I can remember them...We got a note that Maddie was receiving the Citizenship award today.  And what her teacher had to say moved me to tears.  I wish I had the ability to video tape and take pictures however, pictures were all I got.  What Maddie's teacher said was so very nice and when I thanked her for her kind words after she said that Maddie deserved it and she was such a sweet girl.  Our sweet girl!!!   We are so proud of you Maddie!!! xoxoxo

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shopping anyone??

Little Miss LOVES money and asks anyone and everyone for some "monies".  She hits Daddy up almost every night after he gets home from work.  Sometimes we go "shopping" (in the house) and she needed money but when I told her I didn't have any ,she told me she did.  A few minutes later, I heard "clinking" and "Mommy, I found my monies!!"  I walked in to see the little monkey emptying out her piggy bank, which she got off her shelf by standing on her chair!!!!  One of the moments that make me laugh. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St.Patty's Day!!

 Daddy was working again today so we just hung out in our jammies all day!!!  Gotta love P.J days!!!  We decorated some Easter eggs!!


 And then we pulled out the paints!!!!  Finger paints, actually!!  And I even got all dirty too!!  I love painting!! 

Maddie was COVERED but had a blast!  It's good to get dirty!!  And when they were done we decided that baths were in order because we had to get ready for out mani's and Pedi's and movie!!!  We had a relaxing, fun day in our jammies!!  Back to routine tomorrow!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Cousins and friends!

D man was here early this morning and shortly after he arrived, Maddie's 2nd round of sleepovers began!!  There were 4 kids here today and
 they all played so well together!  The 2 older girls are like Mother Hen's...which is helpful...sometimes;)
 We baked (again), decorated cookies, made a few more batches of play dough and the girls got to go for a ride after dinner again!

 Declan stayed with Auntie Julie to have a bath and get the girls beds was super windy and cold outside!  He jumped and climbed on the beds...he is such a boy!!

 Everyone slept so well, they were all pooped!!  All the girls wanted to go get D man up but when we got down you can see by Maddie's face, he needed a change!!!  LOL!!!  Today was just as action packed as yesterday.  Late this afternoon, after Declan left, I took the girls to Abby's house, where Maddie had a sleepover!!  That's the 2nd one in a month!!  We are very proud of her!!!  Miaya and I picked up pizza for supper (because I was sick of!!!) and we all went to bed on time!!  The week has flown by and has been lots of fun!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A BUSY day!!

 When I asked Maddie what she wanted to do during her week off, her answer was have friends over to play and sleepover...Well, that's easy enough!!  So, Lil joined us today.  After picking her up first thing this morning, we had to do a few errands, went out for lunch and came home!  Over the next day and a half, the girls played, painted, baked and whatever else they could fit in!  Which also included a snowmobile ride after supper!  Miaya and I made some playdough which we all enjoyed!!  Lilia stayed with us until after dinner Wednesday night!


I can't believe how grown up these 2 girls are...seems like just yesterday they were both in diapers playing side by side...Man time flies!

Monday, March 11, 2013

March Break!!

Means lots of time for PLAY!!!!  The girls were very excited to have their cousin join us for the day!!  The kids played...with every toy we own!! 


And after dinner and baths...we tortured poor little D man and put a pony in his hair!!  HA HA HA!!!  When his parents showed up, they thought we were funny!!  And Declan is such a good sport, he didn't even care!!!  We had lots of fun today!!