Saturday, March 2, 2013

Work and Play!

 Miaya and I left very early this morning so we could go and watch her big cousin play Lacrosse!  It's a great game to watch and he's a good player!  And then we switched arena's and watched her other big cousin play hockey!  We had fun and she was such a good little girl!! 
Meanwhile at home...Daddy dropped Maddie off at a birthday party and then he installed our new pot lights in the living room!!  They look and work great, next comes the ceiling!!  And another big day for us because before I went to get Maddie from her party, she decided she wanted to have a sleepover!!!  WOO HOO!!!!  She has never done that except for with family!!  I brought her stuff and stayed quietly upstairs talking to the little girls Mom (just in case she changed her mind!) but that never happened and I came home alone!  Another busy and fun weekend here!!!

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