Sunday, March 31, 2013


THE BUNNY CAME!!!!  And we had 2 very excited little girls...Maddie tried to get Daddy out of bed and was successful!  We went to get Miaya and she told us she saw the Bunny!  He was BIG and WHITE and had BIG EARS!!!  He left her goodies on her rocking chair and Maddie's bucket was left on her floor and she thought she may have seen him too!!  I love how innocent kids are!!  The girls hunted the whole house and filled their buckets with lots of treats!  And they found all their new spring and summer goodies that Mommy and Daddy bought for them on the couch! 

And then Daddy cooked us a big huge yummy breakfast on the BBQ and Gramma Shirley and Grandpa George came for a visit too!

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