Friday, March 15, 2013

Cousins and friends!

D man was here early this morning and shortly after he arrived, Maddie's 2nd round of sleepovers began!!  There were 4 kids here today and
 they all played so well together!  The 2 older girls are like Mother Hen's...which is helpful...sometimes;)
 We baked (again), decorated cookies, made a few more batches of play dough and the girls got to go for a ride after dinner again!

 Declan stayed with Auntie Julie to have a bath and get the girls beds was super windy and cold outside!  He jumped and climbed on the beds...he is such a boy!!

 Everyone slept so well, they were all pooped!!  All the girls wanted to go get D man up but when we got down you can see by Maddie's face, he needed a change!!!  LOL!!!  Today was just as action packed as yesterday.  Late this afternoon, after Declan left, I took the girls to Abby's house, where Maddie had a sleepover!!  That's the 2nd one in a month!!  We are very proud of her!!!  Miaya and I picked up pizza for supper (because I was sick of!!!) and we all went to bed on time!!  The week has flown by and has been lots of fun!!

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