Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A great way to spend a Tuesday!

After a great sleep, we all got up and out the door so we could walk Maddie to the bus stop...it was COLD and WINDY...man, I am done with winter!  I love the fact that the kids get along so well and I love having them all here together!  After getting Maddie off and waving, we went for a walk but that ended before we were ready because Zavhier (even after me saying don't do that;) decided that the ditch full of "ice" looked inviting...oops...thank goodness it was only knee deep but his pants and boots instantly froze...CRAP!! 


We got home, warmed up with some hot chocolate, played and decorated some Easter eggs because we didn't have time to do it Sunday when we were together!  I got all the kids bathed, dressed and fed before we had to head to pick Maddie up at school!  It was so darn windy and just bitterly cold, but we went to the park and used up some energy before taking Maddie to dance class.  The kids enjoyed watching her:)  Then, it was off to Gramma and Grandpa's, where we ate dinner and I handed the 2 kiddies that weren't mine over to Gramma.  We all had a lot of fun!  Can't wait to have them all together again!!

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