Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fun filled Saturday!

The girls started their morning playing in Maddie's room with their Ipods (and Mommy's phone) and after breakfast we headed to Auntie Kelly and Uncle Donnie's for a visit!

 The kids always play so hard!  They turned the living room into a mini gym where they all practiced their somersaults!  We stayed for the whole day, had dinner and left when we were all pooped!  Miaya passed out, my phone in her hand, around 8:30 pm after no nap today, she was pooped!!

 And this is a terrible can see nothing, but we were on our road, almost home and a HUGE...I mean HUGE flipping MOOSE walked in front of the truck!!!!  I WAS SO EXCITED!!!  Maddie was quietly sitting in the back and I'm yelling..."MADDIE LOOK AT THAT HUGE MOOSE!!!!!"  She tells me to calm down...It was the coolest thing!!!  A few of out neighbours have seen it but I have never...the thing was massive!!  By the time I was done staring at it, I realized I had my camera but I couldn't get it...we live in our own little nature park/zoo!!!  I love it!!!

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