Saturday, April 27, 2013

Care free and LOVED it!!

I felt like a kid in a candy store today...I got to go out ALONE!!!  ALL DAY!!!!  Maddie was having a sleepover at Gramma and Grandpa's and Miaya hung out with Nana and this Momma went shopping....ALONE!!!  It was heaven!  I love my kids, don't get me wrong, it was just so nice to go from store to store without having to buckle and unbuckle car seats!  I went shopping for Miaya's new big girl bed and furniture and was successful!!  And after a few more stops, my last one was to visit my bro and his family for a bit before heading home.  After getting Miaya to bed, we went out to an old friend's Jack and Jill, chatted with some people we haven't seen in a long time and got Daddy home to bed (really late) because he had to work...again.  It was such a relaxing day!!

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