Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A day at the Zoo!!

There is a Zoo about an hour from us that has an awesome playground, a splash pad, some cool animals, a train you can ride on and did I mention it's free!!??  So, it's a great way to spend a day!  We met my favorite brother and family (yup, he's my only brother but I'm sure if I had another one he'd still be my favorite!!) and we wandered around checking out all the cool stuff!


Jacob may or may not have gotten pooped on...LOL!!!  He was a little less than impressed!

 We rode the train...

The weather has been VERY hot and humid!  Wow...Our feet were on fire standing in the splash pad area, I had to keep getting sprayed to stay cool.  I think when we left the zoo around 3 pm, the temperature was 38 degrees plus humidity!  Man, it was actually a little gross...and we all felt awful for Mark, who had to work until 11 pm!!  YUCK!!!  We had fun today...summer's going by much too fast!!  Why does that have to happen??!!

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