Thursday, July 18, 2013


 It's hard to believe our little Monkey is turning 3 today but she is!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!  We all went in and sang to her!!  And she LOVED the decorations!!  The kids played balloons for quite a while and I baked some cupcakes and a cake for our birthday girl!  (The inside temperature was 28 degrees this morning, but it hasn't broke for days and I needed to bake!!  It was HOT!!!)
All the kids enjoyed an icing free cupcake before we headed out to the pool to get refreshed before lunch! 


 I made Grilled Cheese, as requested from the birthday girl, and then we gave her a cupcake and sang to her!  Miaya thought that was GREAT!!!  She even joined in the song!
 And just as I was going to put her down for a nap, Daddy came home from work, he got off early which was a nice treat!  He asked his birthday girl what she wanted to do and she said go fishing!!  So, we loaded up the boat, headed over in the tube for some swimming!  It was soooooo refreshing!!  The lake is awesome!
 And then the kids got to try was so quiet for 30 mins...while they casted away, nothing was caught but they didn't seem to mind! 
 By the time we got home it was almost 8 pm!  YIKES!!!  The kids were tired and on the menu was Waffles...I know, nice healthy dinner but the Birthday girl wanted them, so why not?!  She received another cupcake and got to open a few gifts!!

I think she had a wonderful day!!  Look at her face, she looks happy!!!  So, another year is gone, and she keeps reminding us that she is going to school next year with Maddie, I guess she is ready for the next step.  I wish they didn't wish to grow up so fast...Our girls have brought us so many smiles, so much love and the best memories over the past 8 and 1/2 years...we are truly blessed with their beautiful faces!  We love them so much!!  xoxoxo

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