Friday, July 12, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TODAY IS MINE AND MY SISTER IN LAW'S BIRTHDAY!!!  SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!  (Am I allowed to wish myself a Happy Day??!!  Oh well, I just did!!!)
 We are having our niece and nephew spend some time with us weekly this summer and this week was our 1st week all together!  I can say that everyone had tonnes of fun!!  They were in and out of the pool daily, almost hourly actually!  They all played so well together and I got to watch all of them enjoy themselves! There was no fighting and only a tiny bit of whining...made my week easy!!  By this afternoon, they were all a little pooped, so I declared a movie and popcorn for a break before more swimming!  The weather was stinking hot this week too so that helped tire everyone out.
 When my fabulous hubby got home, the kids helped him wrap a few goodies for me and they served me a cake and sang!  That was nice!!  And then it was back in the pool until Kelly and Donnie came to grab the kids!  That's when we put the girls to bed, headed to the neighbours for a drink...which turned into more than "a" drink...I arrived at 3 am and Mark was after that...oops!!  Fun was had by all and that's what birthday's are all about right?!  Well ours are anyways!!  Thanks to all who made my day a special one!!

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