Friday, September 27, 2013

Rides, Friends and Fun!

The girls and I packed up our stuff tonight and took off to my girlfriends cottage for the night with her and her 2 kids!  We had dinner then headed to the local fair!


 It was a beautiful night and the kids enjoyed some rides and sugary treats!
We headed back to the cottage, got the kiddies down for the night and stayed up chatting until very early in the morning...oops...lots of funny stories though!  A nice little getaway for the night!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Little helper...

 Little Missy helped me scrub the fridges and freezers clean today!  (Yup, we all have to pitch in around here!)  And then she tried her hand at peeling carrots...while in her ballerina suit!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Camping and Party Time!

 We headed out yesterday afternoon to set up for the weekend one last time before winter!  Uncle Michael, Auntie Sandra and the boys made the long drive and met us there as we were hiding them out until Saturday night.  Sandra organized a big surprise anniversary party for her parents and a surprise it was!  Before the party though, it rained...rained...and rained MORE!!  Wow, there was a lot of rain!  The cousins did well though and we kept them busy!

 We all enjoyed the party, and it was so awesome to see the cousins dancing and playing together!


A Murray family picture was taken, all together, the first time in many years!

The girls slept very well after the party...all that dancing will do it to you!  Fun was definitely had by all!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pretty girls!

 Little sister really wants to go to school with her big sister!!  She tries to carry her heavy bag and loves to wave good bye at the bus stop!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Bye Bye Soosi!!!

A big day around here!  Miaya gave her last pacifier to the garbage man today!!  Our baby is no longer a baby...(We knew she was too old for it but she only used it while in bed...hope she does well without it.)

Friday, September 13, 2013

10 years ago...

 I said "I do".  I still do and I always, honour and cherish my best friend...the one who knows everything about me and loves me just the same.  Who still treats me like a princess, makes me laugh and holds me when I cry.  I still get butterflies when he comes around.  And when I see who he is with our beautiful girls, my heart fills even more.  He is perfect.  He is mine.  I am his.  Always and forever. And I know our next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years will be better than the first.  I truly am the luckiest girl in the world.  Happy Anniversary to you my love...always and forever. xo

Friday, September 6, 2013

Still beautiful...

I feel like a Princess...I picked up my wedding ring from the Jeweller's today and it fits!!  YAY!!!  Some of you are thinking "So, what's the big deal?"  Well, I haven't been able to wear it for quite some time, like almost 2 years...When I was pregnant with Maddie it no longer fit and when she turned 1, I got it sized (bigger) because I really felt naked without it.  And after we had Miaya, it was getting loose and I wore it for quite some time, just very carefully but that got a little sketchy because it was flying off regularly.  So, I put it away in a safe place with my mind set that I was not getting it sized again until I was happy with myself (and by myself, I mean my weight.)  So, for the last many months I have made many changes, which have been gradual and at a pace that I was happy with and now, almost 10 years later, I am only a few pounds away from where I was when we got married!!  So, I got my ring sized again!!  And the thing is the same size as it was when my hubby gave it to me when we said "We do!"  So, a few sizes up and down but after some hard work I am able to wear it again!!  It is still as beautiful today as it was when I first saw it!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


 Today is Declan's Daddy's birthday!!!  We tried to make a sign with his little hand prints and hold it up however 2 year old's are not as cooperative as their Aunt's would like...ha ha!!  Jay got the idea though!!

 It was a little chillier today, so we were only outside for about an hour and then we came in to warm up and play Play Dough!!

 And after we got Maddie home from the bus, we ate breakfast for supper (mmm French toast!) and we went to the Fire Hall with Papa!!  The kids got a goodie bag filled with stuff, they enjoyed sitting in the trucks and running around!!

So I would say we all had a good day!!  Hope Uncle Jay/Daddy had a fabulous day too!!!  (They woke up to an Earthquake rumbling at 6:30 am, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day #2!!

This is what the rest of the week will look like in the mornings and after school!  The weather has gotten chillier here, especially in the morning.  After Maddie gets on the bus, we head for our big walk as usual...I good workout pulling the wagon 5 kms!! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


 Every year I start by saying...Where has the time gone???  Well, this year is no different...Our baby is growing up and FAST!!!  Grade

Maddie was feeling ok, fairly anxious though and it didn't help when her driver called to say she was very late (because she left her lights on and drained the battery!!)  Anyhoo, the bus was an hour late, the weather was rainy and damp, so we drove to the bus stop to wait.  She was still good...until the bus came.  Then the tears came.  We had a pep talk, which I think helped.  (Doesn't mean that Mommy didn't tear up when I walked off the bus to wave...I HATE that helpless feeling...)


I knew she would be good to go once she stared on her way.  And when we saw after school she was all SMILES!!!  Her day was GREAT!!!  Awesome, she said, and Grade 4 is the BEST year!!!  I LOVE her enthusiasm...And I am so happy that she had a wonderful day!!  *Insert sigh of relief here*