Friday, September 6, 2013

Still beautiful...

I feel like a Princess...I picked up my wedding ring from the Jeweller's today and it fits!!  YAY!!!  Some of you are thinking "So, what's the big deal?"  Well, I haven't been able to wear it for quite some time, like almost 2 years...When I was pregnant with Maddie it no longer fit and when she turned 1, I got it sized (bigger) because I really felt naked without it.  And after we had Miaya, it was getting loose and I wore it for quite some time, just very carefully but that got a little sketchy because it was flying off regularly.  So, I put it away in a safe place with my mind set that I was not getting it sized again until I was happy with myself (and by myself, I mean my weight.)  So, for the last many months I have made many changes, which have been gradual and at a pace that I was happy with and now, almost 10 years later, I am only a few pounds away from where I was when we got married!!  So, I got my ring sized again!!  And the thing is the same size as it was when my hubby gave it to me when we said "We do!"  So, a few sizes up and down but after some hard work I am able to wear it again!!  It is still as beautiful today as it was when I first saw it!!

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