Sunday, September 1, 2013

Another day on the water!!

 Mother Nature cooperated again today and we were able to enjoy the afternoon on the lake...after the kids enjoyed some play time here!  Jacob took the 4 wheelers for a ride and the little ones did a little bit of everything!


 We took the Sea Doo out again today and we all took turns riding it!!  I did most of the riding and Maddie was with me and LOVED IT!!!  (Just goes to show, sometimes you have to force your kids to try something new!  She was a little leery about it but we kind of made her and then she was asking to go again and again!!!)

 A little more tubing and the boys had fun flipping each other out!

And then we came home, packed up and headed over to Papa's for dinner (that I didn't have to cook!!) and a fire, which was nice to sit and enjoy!!  What a great way to end summer!  What a great one we have had...done some travelling, camping, enjoyed lots of time together, had our house full of guests and we even crossed a few things off our bucket lists!!  (My hubby and I did, not the kids! LOL)  It will be nice to get back to routine but it is always hard to leave summer; the sunshine, the relaxed way of life, and my favorite, all of us being together!  We hope you all enjoyed your summer as much as we did!!

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