Monday, June 30, 2014

Enjoying a ride

 A boat ride to enjoy a beautiful day!!  With Maddie feeling under the weather the last few days (poor kid always seems to get sick during holidays!!) she quite enjoyed the fresh air.  We toured around the lake before our friends came to join us!

This summer is going to be a great one!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy last day of SCHOOL!!!!!


 Holy cow...every year I say it and every year I wonder where the time goes??!?!?  2 kids in school next year, what's going on?  Maddie successfully (quite actually!) completed Grade 4 and is moving on to 5 in the fall!!  We are so proud of Maddie and all of the wonderful things her teacher had to say about her accomplishments.  She has come such a long way, no longer our shy, soft spoken, quiet little girl.  She truly is growing into such a beautiful young lady!!  (Which we always knew she was, but now she shows it to the rest of the world!)


 We took some fun pictures on the bus tonight and Miaya joined in as well...she best get used to it, she'll be sitting on there next year too.  I am really looking forward to hanging with our girls this summer.  We've got many things planned, lots of company coming and before we know it, it will be that time of year again.  A very proud day for her Daddy and I, WAY TO GO MADDIE!!!!  xoxox

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Beautiful weekend

 I know I've said it a million times but living at the lake is so very awesome!  We spent yesterday on the water with the Sea Doo and today we headed over to the beach and spent the whole afternoon there.  The girls played in the sand and Mark and I watched them as we relaxed.  Summer is AWESOME!!  The lake is a little chilly still but the kids love it so that's all that matters.  Summer will be wonderful!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Last day for gym!

 Miaya's last gymnastics class was today and she was the only one that showed up for her class!!  Which she LOVED because she got to talk to her coach the entire time, whom she absolutely adores.  We brought her a gift for her baby today, she is due in a few months and they talked away about that (and many other things) for the entire hour!

Miaya really loved her class.  She looked forward to it every week and had so much fun! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

A BIG day

for our BIG girl!!  I got to take Miaya to her new school today to meet the teachers and have a tour!  We got an invitation weeks ago and she has been so excited about it since!  She also got this new book, which we had to take a picture to send to Daddy tonight.  Our little monkey is more than ready for this new adventure, it's her Momma that has a few concerns.  With big sister just steps away, I'm sure they will keep an eye out for each other. 
(And I have to add that Maddie went on her class trip today, which is the first one I've missed, and I'm not sure she will ever let me live it down, guess I'm not going to get that Mother of the Year Award again this year!  HA!!!)

Almost ready

Maddie has a few teeth that are loose and one finally fell out today!! (We took this picture to send to Daddy!)  She needs them to come out because (believe it or not) she is excited about starting the "getting braces" procedure. She is growing too fast.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


 We got Daddy the floor mats for the truck he's been wanting and because my hubby is no good with surprises...we gave them to him Friday night.  I cleaned the truck yesterday morning and put them in and they fit great!!  I think we will love them!  He took a break this morning from getting the pool up to have some brunch we made for him.  Steak, eggs, bacon...mmm!!!  And then Maddie and I were off to her last performance.  Miaya stayed behind with Daddy to help him with the pool because I was volunteering again today.  I got everything all ready for supper before I left because we were having Grandpa, Gramma, Uncle Donnie and the kids over after they finished watching Maddie's show!!  We had a very busy but great weekend with 2 very tired little girls. 

Happy Father's day to all of you Dad's out there!! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A day filled with dance!

 We bought tickets to watch Maddie dance today, once this afternoon and once tonight.  Nana was with us for both shows and for tonight's show, Papa and Lisa as well as Uncle Pat, Auntie Brandy, Jacob and Mason were all in the audience too! 

 She shines up there and we love to watch her, so full of confidence, performing in front of many strange faces.  Our baby is growing up and we are so very proud of her!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Dance Recital Weekend!!

is upon us and we have a very excited lady here!  She performs in all 4 shows over the weekend (and rehearsed last night!) and she is ready!  She has come so far, not only this past year but since she started dancing years ago.  Watching her on stage still makes my eyes water, she makes us so proud!!  I was with her tonight volunteering and she did awesome!!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rocking her baby


 My little helper was busy in the kitchen today.  She made cupcakes, taste tested the batter and help me shred some carrots!  She is really good to help with anything in the kitchen, she can stay there all day, talking and helping.
 However, I did leave her unattended for a very brief 3 1/2 minute phone call and when I came back, I sensed by her giggles that she was doing something she shouldn't have.  I asked her 3 times and when she wouldn't look at me, I knew!  She was licking the leftover batter out of the bowl, no biggie right?!  Well, she didn't use her fingers, or a spoon, she stuck her whole face in and used her tongue.  Nice.  She had it in her hair, on her forehead, face shirt!  It was funny and how can you give her trouble?  I just asked her to use a spoon next time.

We delivered the cupcakes, after decorating them, to the neighbours who were hosting a little party for Shirley!!  Everyone loved them and we enjoyed a visit too!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rest peacefully

 We gathered today surrounded by many friends, old and new, to say good bye to an old friend, taken so young.  Kirk, the gentleman on the far left in this picture taken at our wedding.  
So many emotions wash over us when someone we know passes away, but at our age I guess we still feel a little "invincible" and take many days for granted, we think we are too young and death is for the elderly.  This was a very hard day for many, an emotional roller coaster that seemed to last for days. 
Hold your loved ones close, tell them you love them, reach out and help someone and if they refuse, reach harder. 

May you rest in peace Kirk, gone but never forgotten.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Maiden Voyage!!

 Daddy took the girls out yesterday for the first ride in our new boat but today is my first ride!  We had friends over and Uncle Donnie, Auntie Kelly and the kids joined us too with their boat. 

 Daddy had to get in the water and the kids liked it but it was too chilly for this chick and for the little girls too. 

 Summer is such a relaxing time of year, we love it!!  When we got back, we headed to Kelly's trailer for dinner, which they served us!!  (When she asked me earlier in the week if we wanted to join them for supper my response was HELL ya, we've never turned down a meal that we didn't have to cook!!)