Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy last day of SCHOOL!!!!!


 Holy cow...every year I say it and every year I wonder where the time goes??!?!?  2 kids in school next year, what's going on?  Maddie successfully (quite actually!) completed Grade 4 and is moving on to 5 in the fall!!  We are so proud of Maddie and all of the wonderful things her teacher had to say about her accomplishments.  She has come such a long way, no longer our shy, soft spoken, quiet little girl.  She truly is growing into such a beautiful young lady!!  (Which we always knew she was, but now she shows it to the rest of the world!)


 We took some fun pictures on the bus tonight and Miaya joined in as well...she best get used to it, she'll be sitting on there next year too.  I am really looking forward to hanging with our girls this summer.  We've got many things planned, lots of company coming and before we know it, it will be that time of year again.  A very proud day for her Daddy and I, WAY TO GO MADDIE!!!!  xoxox

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