Wednesday, June 11, 2014


 My little helper was busy in the kitchen today.  She made cupcakes, taste tested the batter and help me shred some carrots!  She is really good to help with anything in the kitchen, she can stay there all day, talking and helping.
 However, I did leave her unattended for a very brief 3 1/2 minute phone call and when I came back, I sensed by her giggles that she was doing something she shouldn't have.  I asked her 3 times and when she wouldn't look at me, I knew!  She was licking the leftover batter out of the bowl, no biggie right?!  Well, she didn't use her fingers, or a spoon, she stuck her whole face in and used her tongue.  Nice.  She had it in her hair, on her forehead, face shirt!  It was funny and how can you give her trouble?  I just asked her to use a spoon next time.

We delivered the cupcakes, after decorating them, to the neighbours who were hosting a little party for Shirley!!  Everyone loved them and we enjoyed a visit too!!

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