Sunday, June 15, 2014


 We got Daddy the floor mats for the truck he's been wanting and because my hubby is no good with surprises...we gave them to him Friday night.  I cleaned the truck yesterday morning and put them in and they fit great!!  I think we will love them!  He took a break this morning from getting the pool up to have some brunch we made for him.  Steak, eggs, bacon...mmm!!!  And then Maddie and I were off to her last performance.  Miaya stayed behind with Daddy to help him with the pool because I was volunteering again today.  I got everything all ready for supper before I left because we were having Grandpa, Gramma, Uncle Donnie and the kids over after they finished watching Maddie's show!!  We had a very busy but great weekend with 2 very tired little girls. 

Happy Father's day to all of you Dad's out there!! 

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