Wednesday, December 24, 2014


We are all ready for Santa!!!  SO EXCITING!!!!!  We had plans to go to a friends house for some snacks and fun however both girls have been fighting a cold.  Miaya woke up today much worse so we decided to keep our germs to ourselves.  We played lots of board games and spent most of the day inside because it was a rainy day...RAIN on Christmas Eve...What the H$%^??!?!

We had some yummy snacks for dinner, baked cookies and wrote our Santa notes!!


And then we headed outside with our reindeer food!  It was wet and very mild.  Not the way we hoped it would be but it's Christmas Eve and SANTA'S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hope he brings Rudolph tonight because it's foggy!!  MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL...AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!!  (Hope you had a great birthday today Grandpa!!!)

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