Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve!

 We (finally) got some snow!!  Daddy plowed a pile for the girls to play in and then we headed to the lake to check the ice out!  Still no the greatest but the weather hasn't been very cooperative lately, it'll get better!

 Miaya is still not herself.  I took her home where I convinced her to have a nap, and I joined her.  When I woke up an hour later I found the cat all snuggled in with her!!  She slept for over 2 hours and when she woke up, she looked worse!  Said she wanted to go back to bed, totally unlike her.  She spiked a fever, took some medicine (and her antibiotic that she's been on since Monday) and watched some TV until bedtime.  She's had a rough holiday, I hope she feels better soon!

And then our friends came over, the kids played and the adults had some beverages.  I had water just in case Miaya wasn't ok.  Gramma Shirley and Grandpa George showed up just before midnight after making their rounds in the neighbourhood, which is great because we got talking about it and we have been together on New Years for the past many years!!  Happy New Year to you all!!  And all the best for 2015!!!!!

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