Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sleepy babies

 We started out yesterday morning and headed to our friend's daughter's 1st birthday party.  From there, I dropped the girls off for their very 1st sleepover at their cousin's house and after visiting, I left to try and get some Christmas shopping done.  I crashed my brother's house, where I ate some dinner he cooked and left for me, visited and then headed to Mark's work Christmas party.  Weird, I know...a party for my hubby and he's away working.  His boss called and wanted me to know I was more than welcome.  It was a very casual affair, so I went.  I mostly chatted with the guys I know and the bosses wife but it was nice to talk with adults.  By the time I made it back to my brother's it was late or early, depends on how you want to see it.  My brother and I chatted for a bit and I hit the hay.  I headed out late morning to try and get some more shopping done and then drove back to get the girls.  I had a nice little break and the kids had lots of fun.  As you can see, they both fell asleep on the drive home so I guess they were pooped!!!! 

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