Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Year to you all!!  Hope your nights were all filled with great friends, many laughs and new memories!  Miaya is feeling a little better today!  Mommy is a little cloudy after her 3 hours of sleep (thankfully I didn't drink or that would have been terrible!!  LOL!) and we just watched movies and relaxed.  The phone rang this morning.  It was for Daddy to go to work.  He is such a sucker because he agreed. (He said he needs to quit doing that! LOL)  I got some snacks and a hot tea ready for him when he got out of the shower and away they went.  He was back shortly after 7 pm.  He missed the girls and I hanging out in our jammies watching was a great way to spend our New Years Day!!

Cheers from our home to yours!!!

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