Saturday, January 10, 2015


 Maddie was so excited today!  She's been asking us since last season if she could try snowboarding and today she finally is!!!  We bought her gear a few months ago and she was been waiting patiently for today to arrive!!!  She said she wasn't nervous just really excited!!

Miaya enjoyed a few fun games during her sister's 1 1/2 hr lesson.  It was a cold windy day so we couldn't really stand out the whole time.

 We were so very proud of her!!!  She seemed to be enjoying herself out there.  When she was all done, she was all smiles!  Had lots of fun and couldn't stop talking about it...AWESOME!!!!

And then we drove her to the store where we had an IPad on hold for her!  She has saved all of her money and wanted to purchase one.  Such determination she has...she has wanted one for a long time...and she got it all on her own!!  What a very big day she has had today!!  And a proud day for Mommy and Daddy too!!

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