Saturday, December 31, 2011


After coming home from the lake, I got Miaya tucked in, the boys got a fire going on the deck and Jacob showed me how to play their new X-Box Kinect...FUN!!!!
We all took turns dancing the night away, Maddie did awesome and then she went to bed where I took over being awesome!!  Ha Ha is a lot of fun though!
Pat and Mark were out with some neighbours and then they all came back and had a few drinks with us!  A fun and quiet way to bring in 2012!!

We wish all of you a wonderful 2012 filled with wealth, health and much happiness!

You see a theme here??

We love the outdoors as you can see, that is where we have been all week!  Pat, Brandy, Jacob and Mason came over to spend New Year's Eve with us.  After enjoying some food, (also something we have been doing all week...eating!) we headed down to the lake to make an ice rink to hopefully use tomorrow!A meeting of the minds you think?!
We were outside until late (again!) and Miaya LOVED was warm enough to take her mitts off, just long enough to eat a lot of snow! 

Down Time

And we could all use a little bit of it after our busy week.  The girls just relaxed in their jammies this morning.  We have had something on the go everyday and people visiting, so we welcome the quiet.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas with Nana!

Nana came over this afternoon and we had our Christmas together!!  She was quite impressed at how well Miaya could open her presents!
The girls got lots of goodies from their Nana and they both got babies!  Miaya's crawls and Maddie's talks and does lots of cool things! 
Nana spent lots of time showing her grand babies how to wrap up their babies...we had a great afternoon together!! 
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More food, fun and family

Michael, Sandra and the boys were staying for one more day so we called Mark's sister and family to come over and join in some more outdoor fun.  Mark and Mike had a bit of a slow, rough start this morning...they may have been up too late doing, well, I will let you guess...
So, we headed outside and the 4 wheelers got pulled out and used a lot!  And I am certain the adults had more fun than the kids!!  The weather turned from rain to snow and a lot of it throughout the day but we had a blast!!  

We took a short break from the outdoors to enjoy some lunch...Mark fried us a Turkey and it was delicious!!!  We headed back out and stayed for the rest of the day!  We came in for some supper and then back out we went...What a wonderful way to spend the holidays!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Salon is OPEN!

And her 1st client was her cousin Chase!  Thanks to Auntie Kim, Uncle Jay and Baby Declan, Maddie got a Manicure and Pedicure set for Christmas!  She started with the Mani and went on to the Pedi...And then to Auntie Sandra, and Nate Guy helped himself because he was feeling left out!  The appt's started before 9am...busy salon she runs!

Boxing Day Adventures

Mark's brother and his family are here for a few days staying with us and we all needed to get outside and enjoy the fresh air today and the little bit of snow we had left.  So, we got all dressed and away we went! 

The kids used the neighbours driveway and did some sledding as well as some "snow" eating...
We all took a little break for dinner and then we were back out again!
By the end of the night, there wasn't a lot of snow left but we had an awesome time!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Dinner!!!

And the holiday continues...16 people at our table for dinner!  Yup, that's a lot of food!  However, there was barely any left over and everyone was stuffed!!  Some cooperated by wearing their hats...others did poopers!!

We ate, drank and were merry and we held the kids off long enough so we went down to open more gifts! They were super excited!!

 There were toys, paper and stuff flying around the was loud and total chaos, exactly what today is supposed to be!!

What a fantastic day...I wish we could have had all of our families here, that would have completed the day for me but 16 isn't a bad turn out.  And just as some were getting ready to go home, I remembered that with all of the grand babies here (from the Murray side) that we must get some pictures!!  So, we was late, the kids were pooped, but at least they were all together.

We hope your Christmas Day was as busy, enjoyable and fun as ours...And that you got exactly what you wished for...xo