Monday, December 12, 2011


Kim wanted to be able to see as much family as she could while she was here and we were able to have dinner here tonight...Pat, Brandy Jacob and Mason made the drive for dinner.  Plans were altered somewhat last minute, however we were so glad they were able to come!  As we all sat around and talked, we remembered how fast life fast things can happen when we least expect it and how much we should appreciate what we have...Pat and Mason were involved in a very bad accident glad you are all OK, that is all that matters. xo

 We all ate too much!  It was hard not to, everything tasted so yummy!!
Declan got passed around and snuggled, he is sooo good!!  Kim took a picture of her dessert...butter tarts made by me! and some yummy Carrot Cake...I guess she liked them enough to take a picture of them, for a memory?!  Ha Ha Ha!!!

After the kids were asleep, we enjoyed a few beverages and talked...until the wee hours of the morning!  It was fun to talk about old times, I wish we could do it more often...

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