Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning!

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!  Santa stopped here and boy were our girls excited!!  (And Mommy and Daddy too!!)
 Maddie woke up before Miaya so we let her open her stocking and 1 of her Santa surprises!!  She was in LOVE!!!!

Grandma Shirley stopped by after her walk so she could see the girls and stayed to see some gifts being opened! 

 Santa brought Maddie a Barbie Glamour Camper which needed some assembly which Daddy and Maddie worked on together.  We opened a few more gifts and then enjoyed a very yummy breakfast together.  We spent the whole morning opening goodies, no point in rushing things, Christmas does only come once a year!!

When we finished with our new goodies we decided to go outside to get some fresh air.  Christmas is so much fun and very busy...We are hosting dinner later so we need some time outside so we can last the whole day.  Miaya did so well at opening gifts, her sister was a little disappointed because she was looking forward to "helping" or doing it for her but no help was needed! 

Christmas day always comes and goes so fast...I LOVE this holiday, it is definitely my favourite one of all.  Seeing the excitement in our girls eyes and knowing that they believe in magic is an awesome feeling...We hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas too!!!

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