Until we meet again...

While Auntie Kim got all packed this morning to go home, I stole some extra snuggles from my sweet little buddy. Declan had a few visitors stop by to say good bye this morning and then I made them a yummy breakfast before we headed out for their long day of travel.
There are many things I will miss...Declan's sweet smiles and giggles, especially 1st thing in the morning. His stories, his innocent handsome little face. Just the fact that I can't go for a drive and see how much he has grown and hold him and tell him how much his Auntie Julie loves him. Maddie and Miaya are going to miss him too...Miaya had a friend to play with and Maddie loves being surrounded by family. Another thing...My sister...talking over the phone just isn't the same as talking in person. I really enjoyed our visit, being able to see each other as "Mama's", sharing stories, advice and sometimes just silence. We haven't been able to do that for almost 6 years...yes, we have had some mini-visits in between but this time I had her all to myself! No matter where we went during the day, come nighttime, we would put the kids to bed (while mine anyways) and talk and there still wasn't enough time to say all of the things we wanted too!
I am so grateful for the 9 days they were here and hope we are able to do it again soon. Our babies grow up too fast and time slips away while we are too "busy" to sometimes notice...I know the next time I see my nephew he will be much bigger. 
So, until we see each other again, I will think of you both often, will wait for new pictures and take advantage of the technology we have to see, talk and hear you whenever we can! We all love you guys very much and want you to know that you are always welcome here, as often and for as long as you want!! xoxo
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