Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Because dinner was so good...My Dad offered to come and cook us all breakfast!  Mmmm...We had the works!

And because we had all the cousins together, we had to take pictures!  The kids all cooperated and we got lots of good shots!  These are one of the many times I wish we were all together more often, with less distance between us...

The weather was more than beautiful for a December day, so the kids didn't even have coats on. (We weren't out for long!)

As I grow up, well older, I realize that life doesn't always play out like we once thought it would.  Also, that we have to make the best with what is given to us because we are lucky enough to be given what we have.  So, I enjoy the time I am given with my family.  It is always nice to tell stories from our past and talk about what we want for our futures.  You make the best with what you have and smile everyday...just because you can.

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