Saturday, June 30, 2012

Good food & Great friends!

We headed back to our trailer for a bit of quiet time this afternoon.  Miaya and Daddy had a BIG nap and Maddie and I had a cat nap...Our friends arrived before dinner and we enjoyed an evening together.

Check out Mark's BBQ...Great jobs with the Steaks baby!!

We had a fire, the kids had smores and the adults had some drinks...I could so get used to this whole camping/vacation thing...I love how peaceful and stress free it is...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Early night

Today was great...long, hot but fun!  The girls enjoyed Popsicle's and then had baths/showers...and to bed by 9pm!  Neither one had an issue with that because they were fast asleep in minutes...

Good Morning Vacation!!!

The girls didn't sleep in today, too excited!!  They had breakfast while reading and then when we were all set...we headed back to the park!

We did so many things...we spent most of the day in the Water was very hot and a great way to cool off!!

 I have a feeling there will be more Funnel Cakes being eaten this weekend...they are Daddy's weakness...

We rode rides and watched a fun kids show...What an awesome day together!!! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Darien Lake...HERE WE COME!!!!

No one has any idea how excited we were to pack up and go today!!!!!  The girls did so well, as always, on our drive...we made it in 5 1/2hrs.

It was so hot!!  We have a system...Daddy does the outside stuff and I do the inside stuff!  The girls helped me and then they took a  break for some popcorn!

Daddy and I sat for, well, not long and then we were off to the park to check it out!

 Look at these 2...

Daddy on a Moose...he was NOT happy with this picture...HA HA!!
 Maddie won an Alien at a game and Miaya's favorite ride was the Merry-Go-Round!!  We ate dinner at a restaurant there and stayed late for a Laser Light/firework show!  What a fabulous 1st day!! 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


It may be small but we are very proud of our BIG girl!!!  She pooped on her potty tonight!!!  And then we put it in the big potty and flushed!!!  Bye Bye poop...
 Why do our babies have to grow up so quick??!!?!


are something that can never be taken or sold or lost.  I can be a little sappy at times but today was a little sad.  We moved to my 2nd childhood home the summer before I started Grade 2...and it has been my family home ever since.  Today, we packed up the last of what was left to go and moved it out for my Mom.  It will be so different not being able to stop in and use the pool or the bathroom or just visit...I am not sure the new people would like that!!!  This ends one Chapter, I can't wait to see what happens next!!

Cupcakes for School!!

 Maddie's End of Year party is tomorrow and she is in charge of bringing treats for her class!!  She chose cupcakes, so she made them and decorated them tonight!  She got a new decorating tool awhile ago that she hadn't used it, so she gave it a whirl tonight!  They looked great!!  I will deliver them before her party they don't get wrecked on the bus!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We love Today!!

because Daddy is coming home tonight and we have missed usual, well, maybe a little more...and we are going away together on vacation!!  We are super excited!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Almost camping time!!

With our 1st camping trip of the season coming up, I have been getting the trailer ready!  The girls sat and did some drawing and crafts while I worked away, packing it up...they had so much fun, it's nice to do different things!  We can't wait to go away!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Yard Sale day!!

I got up bright and early this morning to set-up for Nana's yard sale...The girls were such a great help!!  Maddie was offering some pretty sweet deals to some...oops, I had to step in a few times...HA HA!!!  Miaya just chilled and watched, she is good like that!

It was super hot so Maddie was in the pool before lunch!  Nana did well and was able to sell lots of things...we made some money and got rid of some of our things too!  We were all hot and tired, so we ended up having an afternoon cooling off in the pool.  Again, another last for me...I remember being in that pool for hours at a time when I was little...After dinner, the girls chilled out and watched some T.V.  It was a long day for everyone...and bittersweet.  I got the girls tucked in bed and left them with Nana for the night so I could come home, unpack the truck and go back in the morning and help Nana with some more things.  With less than a week until the house closes, most things are done, just a few things left to do and we are more than happy to help. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

School trip!!

I was able to volunteer for Maddie's end of year school trip to the Science Centre!!!  Miaya hung out with Gramma Shirley and Grandpa George..she had fun, they took her to the park and did lots of stuff, they were outside all day!
 I had a fun day with Maddie...I don't often get to hang out with just her!  It was nice to see her with her classmates...We too had a good day, but there is so much to see and not enough time when you are going during school hours, so we will go again for an entire day.
We watched an Imax film and the kids ran from exhibit to exhibit...she had a great day!!

Sleepover at Nana's!

After Maddie's school trip today, we went home, picked Miaya up from her day with Gramma Shirley (which went great!!), packed our bags and went to Nana's for a sleepover.  We are helping Nana with her yard sale tomorrow and need to be here super early to get started...The girls loved all the empty space there was to play in!  It is hard to believe that my childhood home has sold and that there will be new people living there...When one door closes, a new one always opens...

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Today was a big day for our nephew Jacob...he graduated and is moving on to High School!!!  WOW!!!  It is so hard to believe that he is growing into a young man...a very smart, handsome, young man!! 

 My brother looks like one very proud Dad!!!

 Tickets were very limited so the girls and I couldn't be there to see him accept his diploma, but we were able to have dinner and get some pics of everyone...what a great looking family!!!

Jacob chose Chinese food for dinner, we had a great meal together with great company!!!

 I had to take a picture of Miaya's fortune...seemed very fitting for an almost 2 year old...HA HA!!!

Jacob buddy, we are so very proud of you and all of your many accomplishments...including your award you received!!  Thank you for letting us crash your "before" party!!  I am known to be a bit of a sensitive "Sally" but I can't believe you are going to high school...I remember holding you when you were hours old...We love you and keep up the fantastic work!!! xo