Thursday, June 28, 2012

Darien Lake...HERE WE COME!!!!

No one has any idea how excited we were to pack up and go today!!!!!  The girls did so well, as always, on our drive...we made it in 5 1/2hrs.

It was so hot!!  We have a system...Daddy does the outside stuff and I do the inside stuff!  The girls helped me and then they took a  break for some popcorn!

Daddy and I sat for, well, not long and then we were off to the park to check it out!

 Look at these 2...

Daddy on a Moose...he was NOT happy with this picture...HA HA!!
 Maddie won an Alien at a game and Miaya's favorite ride was the Merry-Go-Round!!  We ate dinner at a restaurant there and stayed late for a Laser Light/firework show!  What a fabulous 1st day!! 

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