Saturday, June 23, 2012

Yard Sale day!!

I got up bright and early this morning to set-up for Nana's yard sale...The girls were such a great help!!  Maddie was offering some pretty sweet deals to some...oops, I had to step in a few times...HA HA!!!  Miaya just chilled and watched, she is good like that!

It was super hot so Maddie was in the pool before lunch!  Nana did well and was able to sell lots of things...we made some money and got rid of some of our things too!  We were all hot and tired, so we ended up having an afternoon cooling off in the pool.  Again, another last for me...I remember being in that pool for hours at a time when I was little...After dinner, the girls chilled out and watched some T.V.  It was a long day for everyone...and bittersweet.  I got the girls tucked in bed and left them with Nana for the night so I could come home, unpack the truck and go back in the morning and help Nana with some more things.  With less than a week until the house closes, most things are done, just a few things left to do and we are more than happy to help. 

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