Monday, June 11, 2012

Lucky me!

 To have such a hard working man in my life who loves me as much as he does!!  While Mark was home this week, we got sooooo much work done...too much really, it didn't leave much time for many extra things.  We did have a productive week though...
*We got sand for the pool, levelled it, filled it an played in it!
*Mark rented a Tractor/Bobcat to do lots of work!
* We picked up 5 loads of gravel which was used to fill in the side of the driveway where it used to be dirt/weeds!
*We dug up, levelled, made forms, had concrete delivered and poured our front walkway.  (Poor Mark also had to push loads of concrete in the wheel barrow to the back of the deck where we poured a little pad at the bottom of the stairs!)  (Did I mention it was over 30 degrees this day plus humidity??!?!)
*We dug and filled 2 new gardens!
*Maddie had her Dance Recital!
*We had time to see friends that we have not been able to see as often as we should!

*We levelled the back yard out with all the dirt from the front which we will sod soon!

Of course there all the other things that have to get done daily too but we were very proud of ourselves...We worked hard, stayed up very late doing many of these jobs so that our girlie's didn't miss out on Daddy's company either...Yes, I am patting us on the backs!  hee hee!!!

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