Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!!!!!

 Despite the rain, our Devil and Minnie got all dressed and ready for some trick or treating!

(This is a bad quality pic but had to show you that Minnie was using her umbrella and would hand it off to me for her bucket at every house...)

The girls were troopers though, they both had fun and listening to Miaya say "Trick or Treat" was so damn sweet;)

 We came home and knocked for Nana to come and get the door but she didn't have any treats for us...!!!!!  The girls had a great night though, the only thing that would have made it the best would have been to have Daddy here.  Coincidental that 2 years in a row, he is in almost the same place, doing the same thing...the only difference is this year there is much more devastation, a terrible thing...

Hope you all had a frightening Halloween!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Look at me!!

is something this little sweetie says a lot she dressed herself from her diaper all the way to her socks, all by herself!!  I offered a little assistance with the socks but she is so independent.  Where did our babies go?!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Work, Work...RAIN!!!!

We packed Daddy up yesterday and he was off very very early this morning to work.  He's only been home for a few weeks but duty calls and they requested his crew again in the USA.  Hurricane Sandy has the potential to reap havoc on millions of people there and we are very proud of him for going to help!!  So we wish him and his 17 man crew a safe trip!!  We are so proud of you!! xo

With all this wet stuff hanging around us this week, the girls and I got ready bright and early this morning to head outside.  (It stopped raining after 7pm last night and it wasn't raining when we first woke up!)  We had to get the trampoline down and get ready for winter.  The girls were a wonderful help too!!  We got so much work done, all the summer stuff away, the garage and shed cleaned and then it started raining...just in time though!!  We had a very productive morning!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Miaya was trying to put Daddy to sleep today.  The weather was cruddy so the girls played with many of their toys downstairs!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

A boo boo...

Poor Miaya...her head is faster than her feet and it met the road today while running to the bus stop with Maddie...And this is after getting her knees scraped yesterday while running to the bus to get Maddie.  So, her knees got it twice and now her head and hands...she's a trooper though!! 


14 years old today...yikes!!  And I can still remember holding him when he was less than 24 hours old...Happy HAPPY birthday today to my nephew Jacob!  We hope you have a great day bud!!  We love you very much!  xo


We carved our pumpkins tonight when Maddie got home from school!!  Miaya wanted nothing to do with the "goop" but Maddie dug right in!

My job is to pick the seeds out of the goop so we can roast them later!

 Maddie is getting so big, she can carve her own and did a very good job!! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mr Sunshine!

Was here today and it was a summer day!  We took our time getting home from the bus and enjoyed every minute of it...we took turns hiding Maddie's froggy and then we played outside until well after 6!  It was so nice, we will miss it over the next week since they are calling for RAIN...and too much of it...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Corn mazes and pumpkins!!

We went to find our pumpkins today and hang out on a farm...

 We saw chickens and pigs!!

 And there were 3 HUGE corn mazes!!  We got lost in them for most of the was a little chilly but the sun was shining!  We had lots of fun letting Maddie lead us around


 We found a few pumpkins and left as they were closing for the day...a great day to spend all together!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Great memories...

were made over the past 5 days...And I am so thankful that I was able to go!  I owe a BIG thank-you to my wonderful husband and the help we had here with the girls.  I am so grateful!!!  And to my sister for pulling all of this together, you did a wonderful job!!! xo

Both flights were smooth, a little turbulence on the way home but great otherwise!  I included this picture for was your coffee??!!!  You must have been thirsty?!  (The cups were "hardly big enough" so she used mine both times, but of course she made it seem like it was for me...and for those of you who know me, I DISLIKE coffee!!  A LOT!!!!) 

 We made it home just a little past 3:30am.  I missed my girls and my hubby but it was so nice to get-awayI really enjoyed myself!  I think we all did!! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Good Bye Vegas:(

After getting all packed, we took some pictures...many, I have only picked a few to show you!! 
 We had a delicious lunch at a little Italian restaurant, very yummy!!!  We had a little time to walk around, play some slots and enjoy the last of the sunshine before we headed to the airport for Home Sweet Home.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day 4-Lazy Day by the pool!

 I was quite excited to sit, soak up some sun and read my book today...I was out there before noon and enjoyed every ounce of the sunshine...I miss the sun!!  The 3 of us were headed to "Old" Vegas tonight.

Wow...there are STRANGE people that will do ANYTHING for a little bit of money...I think they are weird but that's just my opinion...I would walk around all night in Vegas but not on Freemont Street...gave me the willies for some reason.  We did enjoy a yummy dinner on the 28th floor of a Hotel though...Tonight's our last night here and there is still SO much more to see and do, it's unbelievable!