Saturday, October 20, 2012

Great memories...

were made over the past 5 days...And I am so thankful that I was able to go!  I owe a BIG thank-you to my wonderful husband and the help we had here with the girls.  I am so grateful!!!  And to my sister for pulling all of this together, you did a wonderful job!!! xo

Both flights were smooth, a little turbulence on the way home but great otherwise!  I included this picture for was your coffee??!!!  You must have been thirsty?!  (The cups were "hardly big enough" so she used mine both times, but of course she made it seem like it was for me...and for those of you who know me, I DISLIKE coffee!!  A LOT!!!!) 

 We made it home just a little past 3:30am.  I missed my girls and my hubby but it was so nice to get-awayI really enjoyed myself!  I think we all did!! 

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