Sunday, October 28, 2012

Work, Work...RAIN!!!!

We packed Daddy up yesterday and he was off very very early this morning to work.  He's only been home for a few weeks but duty calls and they requested his crew again in the USA.  Hurricane Sandy has the potential to reap havoc on millions of people there and we are very proud of him for going to help!!  So we wish him and his 17 man crew a safe trip!!  We are so proud of you!! xo

With all this wet stuff hanging around us this week, the girls and I got ready bright and early this morning to head outside.  (It stopped raining after 7pm last night and it wasn't raining when we first woke up!)  We had to get the trampoline down and get ready for winter.  The girls were a wonderful help too!!  We got so much work done, all the summer stuff away, the garage and shed cleaned and then it started raining...just in time though!!  We had a very productive morning!!!

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