Monday, October 15, 2012


So, on Sunday I gave Mom a card that had minimal instructions on it...what to pack, and when to be ready...we were off to the airport!!  And remember she still has NO idea where she is headed...with whom or anything else...Torturing her was fun, I couldn't stop laughing every time she asked me a question, which I wasn't answering!!  So cruel...HA HA HA!!!  Our flight was smooth and we arrived in Vegas at 3:30pm...little does she know that my sister (who arranged this whole trip!!!!!!!) and my Aunt were already at the hotel waiting for us!  We found our room and when I was trying to "call home" aka. texting my sister to tell her to come to the door with our "pool towels", I sent my Mom to answer the door and SURPRISE...Kim and Janice were on the other side!!!  WELL HOLY COW!!!!!!  Talk about overwhelmed...Mom still thought we were only in Vegas for the night, I told her it was just a stop-over to where we were going...

We had some drinks and chatted before heading out on the Strip to check out VEGAS!!!  Still hard to believe we were there!!

We had some dinner at the Hard Rock along with drinks and more shots...We had such a fun night...easy to have fun when you can walk around with drinks in your hand wherever you want!!  Especially after stopping at the local CVS pharmacy to buy them...What a great 1st day!!!!

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