Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vacation Sundays are the BEST!!!!

 The girls awoke this morning after 8am, enjoyed some breakfast and were very excited about going to the park!  The weather was good today, humid and hot.

We did so many rides...we couldn't get to the next one fast enough!


 Big sis was so good with Miaya at the little rides.  They went on some together and I joined them on a few too!  Miaya LOVED them and got very excited and let me tell you, it was hard to convince her it was time to move on!
We headed back for some BBQ supper and then went to meet Auntie Kelly, Uncle Donnie, Zavhier and Kyanne.  We watched the light show again tonight as well as did some rides with the kids.  They were all so good and are looking forward to spending the next few days together!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bring on VACATION!!!!

 We were all packed and we were on our way to Darien Lake!!  WOO HOOO!!!!!  We were all stoked!  The girls did so well on the long drive...we did have a hold up at the border as it was the 1st Saturday of Summer but it was all good!  By the time we arrived it was dinner time and we were starving so we went out for dinner and then set up our trailer...which will be our home away from home for the next 7 days!!  There is an awesome light show that is put on at the park nightly so we went to see it and then back to bed.  It was 11pm but the girls were so good!!  Can't wait for the rest of our week!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


 It was a beautiful day, so after school Gramma Shirley stopped over and the girls invited her to join us for some swimming!!  Nana picked up Subs, as requested by the Graduate, and we all enjoyed a great night together!!!


Another successful year!!!!

Why does time have to go by so fast....seems like yesterday that I was putting our Maddie on the bus for the first time!!  Wow!!  And now she has graduated Grade 3, with amazing grades and so much confidence!!  We couldn't be more proud:)

Her driver let us take some pictures on the bus and then we all got a freezie!!  It was a HOT day!!  Way to go Maddie!!!! xo

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Fundays are the BEST!!!!

Maddie has been sharing Miayas room so her Aunt and cousins could have her room and this morning when I went in to see them, this is what I they are so damn cute!!  Just quietly chatting, snuggling and playing Maddie's IPod.  They were still so pooped. 

 We made a HUGE yummy breakfast and it was HOT out!!!  So, after that we loaded up in the boat and headed for some more swimming!!  Poor Miaya was tired and fell asleep on the boat while the kids were swimming and it was HOT!! 

 Auntie Sandra, Chase and Nathan had to go because they were off to their next stop on their vacation.  We were so glad they were able to come and stay with us for a few days, we always have fun when they are here!!  We hope they had fun and will come again soon!!  (When I asked Chase if he would come back he said "Sure" I asked when and he said
"Umm, maybe in 100 weeks or so...!"  I love kids time frames!!! 

Kyanne, Zavhier and Uncle Donnie stayed for a visit.  The big kids played in the pool and the little ladies played in the sprinkler and enjoyed a snack in the shade!!  It was such a hot day!!  After all of our company left, the 4 of us went for a dip in the pool to cool off and then the Thunder starting rolling in...It didn't last long though!  We had a great few days having family over, it's always nice catching up and seeing the kids together!! 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Another adventure!!!

 The weather was a little rainy this morning but the kids enjoyed a quiet morning inside with their jammies, some cinnamon rolls and a date at the salon!! 

 As soon as the sun peeked out, we headed outside because the forecast prediction didn't look so great!  Auntie Kelly and the kids came over, and Gramma and Grandpa stopped over too.  We got all of the kiddies to sit for a few snapshots, they are all so cute!!

 And then it was time for a boat ride!!!  I braved the cold water (not like I had to get wet though...ha ha ha!!) and I sat with the kids in the tube and we went for a ride over to the sandbar where the kids got out and swam like little fishes!!!


 The kids all had so much fun, they got their pj's on and we had a yummy BBQ!!  And then a fire with some sticky marshmallows and some glow sticks so we could find the kids in the dark!!

I won't speak for all of the cousins but I know our girls were pooped!!  What an awesome day!!  And thank you Mother Nature for being so cooperative!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Fun Friday!!!

 Miaya and I got Maddie off to school this morning and when we got back the boys were up and ready for day #2 of their vacation!  Of course there were rides on the golf cart and 4 wheeler, always fun!!  Gramma and Grandpa came over for a visit too!  My super handy hubby built our new solar water heater and Chase and Grandpa helped! 

 And then it was time to go and get Maddie off the bus!!  (She chose to go to school today because she was helping the Kindergarten kids and she was really looking forward to it!!) 

 We fed the kiddies early because we were all looking forward to a boat ride!!  The water was still a little chilly for the adults but just like us when we were little, they did not care!!  They had a blast!!!  Little fishes!!

 They were all pooped, Chase fell asleep on the way home in the boat and as we pulled in, Nathan did too!!  Now that is a sign of a great day!!!  Tired kids!!!  We got the kids off to bed and then the adults enjoyed some beverages in front of the fire and a little relaxation in our new hot tub!!