Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vacation Sundays are the BEST!!!!

 The girls awoke this morning after 8am, enjoyed some breakfast and were very excited about going to the park!  The weather was good today, humid and hot.

We did so many rides...we couldn't get to the next one fast enough!


 Big sis was so good with Miaya at the little rides.  They went on some together and I joined them on a few too!  Miaya LOVED them and got very excited and let me tell you, it was hard to convince her it was time to move on!
We headed back for some BBQ supper and then went to meet Auntie Kelly, Uncle Donnie, Zavhier and Kyanne.  We watched the light show again tonight as well as did some rides with the kids.  They were all so good and are looking forward to spending the next few days together!!

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