Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Almost perfect!

 So, I realized that I haven't shown anyone the new piece of paradise in our backyard!!!!  The garden is not quite finished and we are still looking to purchase a few chairs and table but you can all get the picture!!

Our new Hot Tub works AWESOME and we are super happy with our purchase!!  And because I have the handiest hubby ever, he did all the wiring himself!  And the new swing you see is my early birthday present!!  I am one lucky girl!!  I have wanted one for a few years and now I got one!!  I hope to be able to read a few good books while sipping on a cold beverage this summer...in our little piece of backyard heaven!!


  1. wow... I can actually see the seat for Jose and I in the hot tub.... can't wait to get there!

  2. I suspected you would have something to say...lol...bring Jose and his family, there is plenty of room!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
