Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Fundays are the BEST!!!!

Maddie has been sharing Miayas room so her Aunt and cousins could have her room and this morning when I went in to see them, this is what I they are so damn cute!!  Just quietly chatting, snuggling and playing Maddie's IPod.  They were still so pooped. 

 We made a HUGE yummy breakfast and it was HOT out!!!  So, after that we loaded up in the boat and headed for some more swimming!!  Poor Miaya was tired and fell asleep on the boat while the kids were swimming and it was HOT!! 

 Auntie Sandra, Chase and Nathan had to go because they were off to their next stop on their vacation.  We were so glad they were able to come and stay with us for a few days, we always have fun when they are here!!  We hope they had fun and will come again soon!!  (When I asked Chase if he would come back he said "Sure" I asked when and he said
"Umm, maybe in 100 weeks or so...!"  I love kids time frames!!! 

Kyanne, Zavhier and Uncle Donnie stayed for a visit.  The big kids played in the pool and the little ladies played in the sprinkler and enjoyed a snack in the shade!!  It was such a hot day!!  After all of our company left, the 4 of us went for a dip in the pool to cool off and then the Thunder starting rolling in...It didn't last long though!  We had a great few days having family over, it's always nice catching up and seeing the kids together!! 

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