Sunday, January 5, 2014

Relaxing Sunday!


Which was so nice because we have been busy and we are all running out of steam...Maddie's day started out with some work, unfortunately Daddy put her to work outside as part of her punishment.  She decided that carving her name in some furniture was a good idea.

And then we headed to the lake for a skate!  Maddie did really well, she was a little skeptical...since she only skates in the winter, she thought she would forget.  But nope, she did great!!

Miaya's first time and she wanted to "do what Maddie was doing!"  "Let go Mom, I can do that too!"  Oh my goodness, I love this little girl's attitude!  She was doing awesome for her 1st time on skates!

We had a great afternoon, the weather turned ugly just after we got the (Olympic) sized rink cleaned off...Daddy loves a big rink...and the girls will have so many great memories about the time we spent on our huge rinks...and I love teasing my hubby!  Hope you all had a super Sunday! 

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