Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last day!

Our flight wasn't leaving until after supper tonight so we took full advantage of the sun, drinks and fun!  We had such a great week.  We missed our girls and if we could have magically sent for them to come meet us, we would have!!  HA, who's ever ready to go back to reality...

We are planning a "reunion" this summer to have our Cuba friends up for a weekend of fun at our place, I hope we can all find a date that works.  We had a easy flight home, tonnes of fog when we arrived which made our drive home looonggg...but even with the issues at the airport with our bags/parking, it wasn't enough to strip us of our relaxed attitudes!!  Can't wait to see the girls in the morning!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One more day of SUN!!!!

 We are having a beautiful dinner on the beach tonight and this was our dinner!  Cooking from first thing this am.  We have been so lucky with our weather, rain twice and at night, perfect!!!

Spent some time in the ocean today and then to the pool where we met up with our new friends, had some drinks, played some Bingo and a little bit of catch!


We made it to dinner on time tonight, there was 10 of us that ate together, tonnes of conversation and many laughs!  It was really windy, so there was sand flying everywhere but the food was good!  We have really enjoyed ourselves this week, a much needed break from the everyday!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Another fabulous day!!

 Mark decided to leave his mark on the paddle boat...We loved just floating around out here...brought some drinks, jumped in to cool off and relaxed!  We have had the best weather too.  It is quite breezy here, which is great but very easy to get burnt. 



Some of the people we met!!  They are wonderful!  Another great day is paradise!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mark's friend...

Well, it's not really his fell on his leg while we were sitting on the balcony this am!!  He had just woken up so wasn't really paying attention.  He just shooed it off and then asked me what it was when I was laughing and screeching a little at the same time, then he got a little creeped out...more than a little but it woke him right up!!


 After going for a run this morning (it was HOT!) we jumped on this cute little train and went snorkeling!

 We really enjoyed the catamaran ride out, it is so nice to breathe in the fresh sea air!!
 Mark does not and can not float, so he made sure he had his jacket put on for hubby is so funny!

 I took tonnes of pictures and some video but can't show them all here.  It was really fun though!!

 There is a story about this abandoned ship...The captain and 5 people from Haiti were trying to make it to Canada in January but a storm came up and stranded the boat on the reef!  The coast guard had to come rescue them and of course, the Cuban government now has rights over the boat...They said they are looking at sinking it and using it for divers!
 We headed back for some beverages, a walk and swimming...for the rest of the day!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Beautiful sunrise...

 It was gorgeous...and my hubby willingly got up to enjoy it with me!  (I know, he shocked himself too!)  We set out for our morning walk but the mosquitoes were so bad, so we turned around for breakfast and then headed out, but man it gets super hot here by 8:30 am! 

 We had another great day...met some wonderful people whom we had dinner with.  (We seemed to have missed our reservations the last 2 nights for dinner...oops...!)  We do not do well with schedules on vacations, can you blame us??!?!

Friday, April 25, 2014

DAY 2...

 We took a walk early this am, before it got too hot.  There are horses everywhere outside the resort, ready to take you for a carriage ride.  The people are very friendly.

 This cactus was so neat, everyone had carved their names and dates on it, some have been there for years!

 We took a ride on a paddleboat...That's Mark's foot up, doing nothing!!


Oh's me doing nothing now...HA!!

Having some drinks in the pool, chatting with some fellow Canadians!!