Saturday, April 12, 2014


When your husband yells is NEVER a good thing!!  The kids went running but I actually yelled "NO" back down to him!  I am not new or (stupid) and did not want to see what he discovered. Which was a dead CHIPMUNK in the back of my dryer!!  YUCK!!! 

 It all started this morning when I went to dry a load...the dryer was full of lint inside the drum...hmmm...I do clean it regularly but I assumed it was clogged.  So, I took the hoses apart (took a pic for my hubby because their was tonnes of sunflower seeds and little screws etc...damn kids eh?!) vacuumed the little bit of lint that was in there and thought huh...well, I'll try that.  Jesus, turned it back on and something sounded wrong and unplugged it before I started a damn fire!  When Mark got home from work he turned it on, heard something funny and because sometimes SHAKING/hitting things vigorously sometimes helps, did that!!  Oops...that's when our little critter got stuck in the fan and the whole machine sounded terrible.  After taking the back off, he discovered this.  RIP little buddy.  (My dryer works great again!!)

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