Monday, April 21, 2014

Cousin time!

 Mark's sister and family came up for a visit yesterday, stayed for dinner and the kids had a sleepover because they were going to hang out with us for the day today!  We started our day with cereal for some and pancakes for others.  Then it was outside (before 8:45 am!) for many activities!  It started to rain, so they came in, decided to watch a movie, had some lunch and then right back outside until supper!  I had no problems with any of them, I hardly knew they were here. 
 After supper, they all showered/bathed and we curled up on the couch to watch a quick show before Mom and Dad picked them up.  Our girls have had late nights all weekend and they were exhausted. They all played so hard today, they were pooped!!  It was so awesome seeing them all play together, riding their bikes, looking out for each other!  What a great way to spend a P.A Day!!

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