Sunday, September 28, 2014

Taking in the view

 Fall is beautiful, I love the colours and I love our lake!!  We were heading out for a drive and a BBQ for dinner somewhere North, to enjoy the colours and the view today.  And when Gramma showed up the girls wanted to play biggie, our plans are easily adjusted.  So, Mark and I headed out for a few hours on the boat instead...a gorgeous day for it too!!


 When we got home, I threw dinner on the BBQ, Daddy cooked it and we all ate together!  A great way to spend a Sunday!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Enjoying every little bit

 of summer that is!  This past week has been gorgeous!!  Uncle Donnie brought the kids up today so he could take their boat out because Mark is winterizing it for them and our friend is storing it for them. 

Gotta love this view...

 We headed out for dinner where the kids requested their own table...huh...ok then.

 We were the only ones on the patio so the kids took the stage over.  And they ate all of their dinners!!  It was a dark boat ride home but such a beautiful night!!  The kids got all comfy, watched a movie and all hit the hay.  Uncle Donnie hung out with us by the fire and we enjoyed a few laughs!  I made breakfast in the am for all of us and the kids had a great morning playing together!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


 just waiting for the bus!!  Little bit of hopscotch to pass the time...

Monday, September 22, 2014

For you...

I ran for you today, sounds silly but under the circumstances, I did.  So I dedicated it to you today...because I am thankful I can.  And before you know it, so will you!!  I am looking forward to our next adventure.  I was sending positive thoughts your way all day and I wish you a speedy recovery.  Much love to you!! 

Another day

another rainbow!!!  Great view! 

Sunday, September 21, 2014


I am sending LOTS of great wishes to you today my friend!!  These are a few more recent shots of us but I have plenty back a LONG more than 25 years long...and many memories.  You deserve only the best today and I hope that is exactly what you get.  Wishing you a year ahead filled with great health and much happiness!!  I can't wait to see what else we can get ourselves into over the next 25 (plus) years!!!  Happy HAPPY birthday to you beautiful!! xoxo

Breakfast in bed!!

After baking yummy Cinnamon Rolls and hot chocolate, we served Daddy breakfast in bed just because we can.  And then we watched some cartoons and read the Wish Book!!  It was pouring, so it was a great way to spend a lazy Sunday morning!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sunshine & Rainbows

Both of these thing are beautiful...I love rainbows.  I feel like a kid when I see one, they are still so magical to me...I still always wonder about the pot of gold.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Another home day

 We thought one more day of rest for both of the girls would be best.  I had to work today but Daddy was home because he has taken some time off so we can get our work done, so the girls were hanging out in their fort this morning!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

On the mend...

 After finding out that Maddie has pneumonia and Miaya just has a wicked bad chest cold and cough, our little sickies spent the weekend just laying low. 

And we finally got our wood delivered yesterday am!!  THANK GOODNESS!!!  So here are some pictures of the mess we are currently working on.  And there was already 6 truck loads put away. 
I ordered this wood months ago and we ran into a few problems but it's here now, so let the work begin!!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Happy Anniversary

to my best friend, my one true love and my happily ever after...I am the luckiest girl around!!  11 years and we look forward to MANY more.  xo

Friday, September 12, 2014

Home Days

Poor little monkey is not feeling well at all, so she has spent the last 2 days at home with Mommy.  We just hung out and Miaya even napped...that never happens. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


It was to be our little girls first night of dance but it didn't work out as planned.  I picked them up from school and she was stuffed up and coughing and just yucky.  She wanted to dance though so we went but with all the hustle and bustle at the studio, she just stuck to me like glue, poor thing.  She never behaves like this, so I knew things just weren't right.  We had to wait for Maddie's dance to be through though so it was a long night for our sick little pumpkin.  She fell asleep on the way home and I'm thinking she will be home with me tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Just hanging out...

 and they both needed this because they are tired and have been busy.  Tonight we didn't have to run around, so we spent it outside, just making "stuff".  Miaya is getting into a new routine and we all know how hard that is.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


 The girls were so super excited about their Papa got married and they got to get all dressed up and be a Junior Bridesmaid and a Flower girl!  Man were they excited!  It was a big day for everyone, we all had roles in my Dad's day today.  My brother was the Best man and I was the MC at the night's events.  The weather lovely, just a little windy but the sun was shining.

 Today, my Dad and his Bride wanted to be sure that both families were included because that was important to them.  I just wish my sister was able to be here, it would have been nice to have all of my siblings and families present.  We took lots of pictures!!


 The girls played with some other kids that were there and had a wonderful day!!

All of us danced the night away, well, the girls anyways.  Our girls had an absolute wonderful time being part of this very special day, quite a memory for all of us.  And we had a great time visiting with friends, old and new.