Tuesday, September 2, 2014


 YAY!!!  It was GREAT!!!!!  Everything was great!!!  Miaya was a little tired but she said her day was GREAT!!  And as much as Maddie says she doesn't like school, she had a great day!!!  *sigh of relief* that makes me so happy!!!  I squeezed them both so tight and loved listening to their stories!!!  And when Daddy called tonight, Miaya was hilarious!!  "Daddy, I went to my first day of school without my Mom!!" That is what she said and she was excited!!  Miaya doesn't go again until Friday, so she'll have a day of rest.  I hope everyday is as great as their first!!!  (And on a side note, I wasn't sure what I would do today to keep myself busy, but when I was stalking the girls at their school this am, I got a call from one of my customers who had some work for me to do, so away I went, and that took all day and another day tomorrow, so Miaya is going to hang out with Gramma for a few hours tomorrow.  It really kept my mind occupied so I didn't have much time to be sad, made my day easier!!)

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