Friday, September 5, 2014

Great friend, great night, great RUN!!


 Oh ya, we are 2 HOT chicks!!  Like our glow stick sunglasses?!  Watch out boys, we are both taken!!  HA HA!!!  What a night!!  A night run, with glow sticks and music and FUN...and then the clouds rolled in and we had to wait to start!  The weather was wicked!  We started about 45 mins later than expected and it was still raining and lightening but we did it! 

 We were SOAKED when we were finished and damp and kind of cold but it was still fun!  Making memories is what we were doing, mission accomplished!!! 

Some day Janelle, I will use this picture as blackmail...LOL!!!  Driving with your sunglasses on because you know how bright it is at 10 o'clock at night!!  And still with your Wilson on...our cool headbands that we wore for our second race tonight came in handy believe it or not because it helped soak up the rain before it could run into our eyes!!  And I was proud to be with you tonight, headband and all!!  Thank you for the race and of course, the laughs and the long drive home...HA...oops!!!  xo

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