Tuesday, November 25, 2014

All ready!!

 Daddy brought our tree in last night, YAY!!!!!  It was quite a busy day around here yesterday.  When we dropped Maddie off at school, I ran into her teacher who offered to see us for our interview right then, which worked out perfectly because Daddy was with me!  Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to join in.  When we got home, Miaya helped me in the kitchen!  I spent the rest of the day/night baking and preparing meals for Daddy and his crew.  The girls said there good byes at bedtime and we finished packing his bags.  I got up at 4 am with him so I could help pack the coolers and stuff..and because I like to see him off. They had a long drive ahead of them. 

I told the girls I would put the lights and ribbon on the tree and we could decorate it when they got home after school.  We made sure to send lots of pics to Daddy!  As long as I don't forget to water our tree, it should last until Christmas!!  Let's see how that goes...


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