Friday, November 21, 2014

PA Day on Friday= HAPPY DAY!!!

I kept Maddie home from school yesterday because we were home so late from the hospital Wednesday, I wanted them both to rest up for our FUN weekend away!!!  After dropping Jersey off at Gramma's (THANK YOU!!), we headed to pick up Daddy at work and then we were off to celebrate Maddie's 10th (BIG DOUBLE DIGITS!) birthday in a hotel for the weekend!  The girls loved the big Jacuzzi tub.  They spent almost 2 hours in there.  We ordered dinner in and that is where they ate theirs...LOL!!!  Why not??!?!



After dinner, we headed down to the pool...our little water babies miss their lake!  We stayed there until bedtime!  HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!  (Thankfully, Miaya is feeling much better...not 100% yet but better!)

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