to the smartest, funniest, sweetest, kindest, most beautiful 10 year old we know!!! 10!! Time has come and gone so fast and we wouldn't change a minute! Daddy and I decorated the hotel room last night after the girls fell asleep. We filled the tub with Balloons, the girls loved it!!!
The birthday girl had a few gifts to open and some cards and she requested McDonald's hash browns for breakfast!
She enjoyed her morning and then we made the long trip home. With 2 stops...1st was Costco because Daddy just found out he has to go away for work and I volunteered to do all the shopping and put together all the stuff they need for the next 23 days. And then we hit the Pet Store because little did our big girl know but her gift from us was going to be a Hamster!!! She has been asking for one for months. She even wrote a huge essay after researching everything there is to know about the little critters. Man, that is dedication!!
She was stoked!!! We spent quite awhile there, she chose one and she named her "Hope." She picked out all of the things we needed to get Hope set-up and comfortable in her new home. Daddy then headed in his work truck to pick up Jersey and fix something for Grandpa and we headed to the grocery store for more things for Daddy and then home!
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