Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Trip to the hospital

Our patient got worse as the day went on and our Dr. doesn't work Wednesdays.  By late afternoon I made the decision to be at the clinic early so we could get in and out.  I assumed she had a terrible cold but wanted to be sure.  After waiting there for over an hour, the Dr. wanted to send us to the hospital for some x-rays to rule out pneumonia.  So, she did that like a champ and finally fell asleep after waiting for the Dr. in the ER for what felt like forever.  All was well though, chest came back clear!  Just an awfully terrible cold.  Poor little monkey.  I realized when I was driving both my little beauties home (late!) that Miss Miaya has never really been sick before.  A little cold here and there but nothing like this.  Poor thing has not been handling it well at all.  And the weather was yucky again tonight so Daddy stayed at work, safer than driving home in it. 

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